Emergence of Urban Politics in Turkey through the Lens of Cinema'
[Sinemanin Lensinden Turkiye’de Kentsel Politikanin Dogusu]
Ipek Tureli
Seminar will be in english.
Seminer ingilizce olacaktır.
Ipek Türeli is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. She has professional degrees in architecture from ITU and the Architectural Association in London. Ipek has been pursuing her Ph.D. in Architecture with a concentration on the history of architecture and urbanism since 2002. She has taught architectural design, and architectural history as a graduate student instructor at Berkeley. She has contributed to various UK, US, and Turkey-based publications. Her dissertation project examines the politics of representation in popular exhibitionary sites in Istanbul since the 1950s.
[Ipek Tureli, halen Kalifornia Universitesi, Berkeley’de doktora adayidir. Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, ve Londra’daki Architectural Association, School of Architecture’dan profesyonel mimarlik dereceleri bulunmaktadir. 2002'den beri Berkeley’in Mimarlik Bolumu bunyesinde mimarlik ve kent tarihi alaninda uzmanlasmaktadir. Calismalari, cesitli profesyonel ve akademik dergilerde yayinlanmistir. Berkeley’de, mimari studyo, asistan olarak da mimarlik tarihi dersleri vermistir. Doktora arastirmasi, 1950’lerden bu yana Istanbul’a, populer sergi ve gosteri alanlarinda temsiliyet politikalari uzerinden bakmaktadir.]
Note: A 15-minute talk will be followed by the screening of the feature film 'Bus Passengers' (1961) on which the talk is based.
[Not: 15 dakikalik konusmayi, konusmanin uzerine kurgulandigi “Otobus Yolculari” (1961) filminin gosterimi takip edecektir.]
Seminar will be in english.
Seminer ingilizce olacaktır.