Wednesday, December 06, 2006
uyku[suz] seminer+gosterim, ipek tureli 13 aralik 2006
Emergence of Urban Politics in Turkey through the Lens of Cinema'
[Sinemanin Lensinden Turkiye’de Kentsel Politikanin Dogusu]
Ipek Tureli
Seminar will be in english.
Seminer ingilizce olacaktır.
Ipek Türeli is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. She has professional degrees in architecture from ITU and the Architectural Association in London. Ipek has been pursuing her Ph.D. in Architecture with a concentration on the history of architecture and urbanism since 2002. She has taught architectural design, and architectural history as a graduate student instructor at Berkeley. She has contributed to various UK, US, and Turkey-based publications. Her dissertation project examines the politics of representation in popular exhibitionary sites in Istanbul since the 1950s.
[Ipek Tureli, halen Kalifornia Universitesi, Berkeley’de doktora adayidir. Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, ve Londra’daki Architectural Association, School of Architecture’dan profesyonel mimarlik dereceleri bulunmaktadir. 2002'den beri Berkeley’in Mimarlik Bolumu bunyesinde mimarlik ve kent tarihi alaninda uzmanlasmaktadir. Calismalari, cesitli profesyonel ve akademik dergilerde yayinlanmistir. Berkeley’de, mimari studyo, asistan olarak da mimarlik tarihi dersleri vermistir. Doktora arastirmasi, 1950’lerden bu yana Istanbul’a, populer sergi ve gosteri alanlarinda temsiliyet politikalari uzerinden bakmaktadir.]
Note: A 15-minute talk will be followed by the screening of the feature film 'Bus Passengers' (1961) on which the talk is based.
[Not: 15 dakikalik konusmayi, konusmanin uzerine kurgulandigi “Otobus Yolculari” (1961) filminin gosterimi takip edecektir.]
Seminar will be in english.
Seminer ingilizce olacaktır.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
uyku[suz] gosterim, end of suburbia 5 Aralik 2006
"THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream" Icinde oldugmuz petrol krizini, onun yarattigi cografi degisiklikleri, kentin cehresine onemli degisiklikler getiren yatakhane kentlerin ve onlarin sembollestigi amerikan ruyasinin bitisini ilginc goruntuler ve roportajlarla aktaran bir belgesel. 5 Aralik 2006 18:00 Doktora Odasi Taskisla No:134
belgesel : 78 dakika
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness.
Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream. MORE
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
murat guvenc 14 kasim seminerinden
Murat Guvenc, bu haftaki uykusuz seminerinde mekanin temsili uzerinden cok katmanli bir okuma yapti. Iki bolumden olusan sunumunun ilk kisminda Kant' tan, Bourdieu'ye uzanan kesiti Bertin grafikleri ile baglayan tarihceyi oldukca ilginc anekdotlarla zenginlestiren Guvenc konusmasinin ikinci kisminda Sark yilliklarindan zahmetli ve titiz bir calisma sureciyle ortaya cikarildigi her halinden belli haritalarindan baslayarak 1910, 1922 ve sonra 1990 ve 2000 yillarindaki mekan temsiliyetleri uzerinden konusmasini tamamladi.
A. Basdemir, Arkitera
A. Basdemir, Arkitera
Thursday, November 09, 2006
uyku[suz] seminer 14 Kasim 2006 Sali Murat Guvenc
uyku[suz] seminer 14 Kasim 2006 Sali/ sleep[less] seminar 14th November 2006 Tuesday 18:00, Taskisla No:134
uyku[suz] seminer 14 Kasim sali aksami Bilgi Universitesinden Prof. Dr. Murat Guvenc'i "Eleştirel Gerçekçi Kent Araştırmaları: Yeni Temsil ve İzleme Modellerine Doğru" baslikli konusmasi ile konuk ediyor.
uyku[suz] seminer 14 Kasim sali aksami Bilgi Universitesinden Prof. Dr. Murat Guvenc'i "Eleştirel Gerçekçi Kent Araştırmaları: Yeni Temsil ve İzleme Modellerine Doğru" baslikli konusmasi ile konuk ediyor.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
uyku[suz] seminer 8 Kasim 2006- sleep[less] seminar 8th november 2006
uyku[suz] seminer 8 Kasim 2006 Carsamba/ sleep[less] seminar 8th November 2006 Wednesday 18:15, Taskisla No:134
John Lovering (Professor of Urban Development and Governance at Cardiff University UK )
in his words;
" I came to Planning via University Departments of Economics (Bangor), Urban Studies (Bristol), and Geography (Liverpool and Hull). These were interspersed by periods in the 'real world' as a railway clerk, a guitarist and song writer, a community development worker, and a member of the great unemployed."more
John Lovering (Professor of Urban Development and Governance at Cardiff University UK )
in his words;
" I came to Planning via University Departments of Economics (Bangor), Urban Studies (Bristol), and Geography (Liverpool and Hull). These were interspersed by periods in the 'real world' as a railway clerk, a guitarist and song writer, a community development worker, and a member of the great unemployed."more
Thursday, October 12, 2006
uyku[suz] atolye 17 Ekim 2006 18:00-20:30
"kentlerin yasam dongusu"
stop motion animasyon atolyesi
17 Ekim 2006, Sali 18:00-20:30 Doktora Odasi
18:00-18:30 stop motion programinin gosterimi ve uygulamasinin anlatilmasi ile atolye calismasinin yapisinin anlatilmasi
18:30-20:00 gruplara bolunerek senaryo ve kurgunun hazirlanmasi ve program kullanilarak animasyonun uygulanmasi
20:00-20:30 yapilan animasyonlarin izlenmesi/
her ne kadar atolye icinde iki adet bilgisayar ve kamera olacaksa da yaninizda bilgisayar, webcamve cesitli maket malzemesi getirmeniz gerekmektedir.
Atolye: Evren Uzer, Berna Keskin ve Deniz Gok tarafindan gerceklestirilecektir.
"Cities are an immense laboratory of trial and error, failure and success in city building and city design. This is the laboratory in which city planning should have been learning and forming and testing its theories. Instead the practitioners and teachers of this discipline have ignored the study of success and failure in real life, have been incurious about the reasons for unexpected success, and are guided instead by principles derived from the behavior and appearance of towns, suburbs, tuberculosis sanatoria, fairs, and imaginary dream cities—from anything but cities themselves. " J.Jacobs
/"Vital cities have marvelous innate abilities for understanding, communicating, contriving and inventing what is required to combat their difficulties,"
"Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lovely, diverse, intense cities contain the seed of their own regeneration." J. Jacobs in Death and Life of Great American Cities
stop motion animasyon atolyesi
17 Ekim 2006, Sali 18:00-20:30 Doktora Odasi
18:00-18:30 stop motion programinin gosterimi ve uygulamasinin anlatilmasi ile atolye calismasinin yapisinin anlatilmasi
18:30-20:00 gruplara bolunerek senaryo ve kurgunun hazirlanmasi ve program kullanilarak animasyonun uygulanmasi
20:00-20:30 yapilan animasyonlarin izlenmesi/
her ne kadar atolye icinde iki adet bilgisayar ve kamera olacaksa da yaninizda bilgisayar, webcamve cesitli maket malzemesi getirmeniz gerekmektedir.
Atolye: Evren Uzer, Berna Keskin ve Deniz Gok tarafindan gerceklestirilecektir.
"Cities are an immense laboratory of trial and error, failure and success in city building and city design. This is the laboratory in which city planning should have been learning and forming and testing its theories. Instead the practitioners and teachers of this discipline have ignored the study of success and failure in real life, have been incurious about the reasons for unexpected success, and are guided instead by principles derived from the behavior and appearance of towns, suburbs, tuberculosis sanatoria, fairs, and imaginary dream cities—from anything but cities themselves. " J.Jacobs
/"Vital cities have marvelous innate abilities for understanding, communicating, contriving and inventing what is required to combat their difficulties,"
"Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lovely, diverse, intense cities contain the seed of their own regeneration." J. Jacobs in Death and Life of Great American Cities
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
uyku[suz] sleep[less] 2006 program
Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler'
Seminerler kapsaminda sembolik alan ve fiili modernlik', 'aktörlerin rollerinin yeniden yapılanması', 'kurumların rolü: AKB gibi projeler, kent müzelerinin yeniden kurumlaşması', 'kamusal mekanlar ve kamusal özneler sorunu' gibi başlıklar irdelenecek.
28 Mart 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
4 Nisan 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
11Nisan 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
18 Nisan 2006 Akin Sevinç, metinsel okumalar,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
25 Nisan 2006 Feride Çiçekoglu, kent ve gorsel temsiliyet,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
09 Mayis 2006 Ela Cindoruk, tasarimda deneysel yaklasimlar ,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
Seminerler kapsaminda sembolik alan ve fiili modernlik', 'aktörlerin rollerinin yeniden yapılanması', 'kurumların rolü: AKB gibi projeler, kent müzelerinin yeniden kurumlaşması', 'kamusal mekanlar ve kamusal özneler sorunu' gibi başlıklar irdelenecek.
28 Mart 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
4 Nisan 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
11Nisan 2006 Korhan Gumus Istanbul Uzerine Seminerler - 'Kentsel Kamusal Alanda Dönüşümler' ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla Doktora Odasi, 18:00
18 Nisan 2006 Akin Sevinç, metinsel okumalar,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
25 Nisan 2006 Feride Çiçekoglu, kent ve gorsel temsiliyet,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
09 Mayis 2006 Ela Cindoruk, tasarimda deneysel yaklasimlar ,
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi, Taskisla 109 no'lu salon, 18:00
uyku[suz] sleep[less] 2005 etkinlikler-events
08.10.2005 stefanos yerasimos , istanbul’a dışarıdan bakmak
10.11.2005 martin baeyens, visual representation
12.12.2005 korhan gumus
21.12. 2005 pierre pinon, "HENRI PROST & ALBERT GABRIEL:deux architectes en turquie dans la premiere moitie de XXe siecle"
10.11.2005 martin baeyens, visual representation
12.12.2005 korhan gumus
21.12. 2005 pierre pinon, "HENRI PROST & ALBERT GABRIEL:deux architectes en turquie dans la premiere moitie de XXe siecle"
uyku[suz] - sleep[less] 2003&2004 etkinlikler-events
18.11.2003 dan cameron “bienal”
09.12.2003 basak senova “IST Sergisi”
16.12.2003 tulin hadi söyleşi
23.12.2003 vasıf kortun “new institutionalism-bienaller”
30.12.2003 UYKUSUZ Yilbasi :)
13.01. 2004 karl-heinz klopf "Gündelik bilgi ile mimariyi okumak- Beetlenut cafe"
10.02.2004 cengiz baysal cazseverlerle... söyleşi ve dinleti...
25.02.2004 ODA Projesi
02.03.2004 niyazi erdoğan “moda-mimarlık tasarımı üzerine”
09.03.2004 otto von busch “the clothed body”
16.03.2004 esen karol “grafik tasarım üzerine”
23.03.2004 ahmet köksal&bünyad dinç "dağlar ve dağcılık" söyleşi ve dia gösterisi
30.03.2004 münevver eminoğlu “tasarim galerisi-garanti galeri üzerine”
06.04.2004 hasan bülent kahraman “pornografi’
20.04.2004 nazlı sanberk “hindistan ve nepal’den fotoğraflar”
02.11.2004 marcus graf "Exhibiting Today's Art"
21.12.2004 SLEEP[LESS] Video Screening "TENT.Academy Awards 2004: Videoworks by Young Artists "
01.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop dizisi...“sanat kurumları üzerine... new institutionalism... (biennaller)”
8.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
15.03. 2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
22.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
18.05.2004 david cuartielles technology and smart mobs
14.09. 2004 otto von busch t-shirt baski atolyesi
18.11.2003 dan cameron “bienal”
09.12.2003 basak senova “IST Sergisi”
16.12.2003 tulin hadi söyleşi
23.12.2003 vasıf kortun “new institutionalism-bienaller”
30.12.2003 UYKUSUZ Yilbasi :)
13.01. 2004 karl-heinz klopf "Gündelik bilgi ile mimariyi okumak- Beetlenut cafe"
10.02.2004 cengiz baysal cazseverlerle... söyleşi ve dinleti...
25.02.2004 ODA Projesi
02.03.2004 niyazi erdoğan “moda-mimarlık tasarımı üzerine”
09.03.2004 otto von busch “the clothed body”
16.03.2004 esen karol “grafik tasarım üzerine”
23.03.2004 ahmet köksal&bünyad dinç "dağlar ve dağcılık" söyleşi ve dia gösterisi
30.03.2004 münevver eminoğlu “tasarim galerisi-garanti galeri üzerine”
06.04.2004 hasan bülent kahraman “pornografi’
20.04.2004 nazlı sanberk “hindistan ve nepal’den fotoğraflar”
02.11.2004 marcus graf "Exhibiting Today's Art"
21.12.2004 SLEEP[LESS] Video Screening "TENT.Academy Awards 2004: Videoworks by Young Artists "
01.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop dizisi...“sanat kurumları üzerine... new institutionalism... (biennaller)”
8.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
15.03. 2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
22.03.2004 vasif kortun ile workshop
18.05.2004 david cuartielles technology and smart mobs
14.09. 2004 otto von busch t-shirt baski atolyesi
Friday, March 17, 2006
uyku[suz] taskisla
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi Taskisla'da bulunan grup Kasim 2003'ten bu yana cesitli etkinlikler duzenlemektedir. Etkinlikler Taskisla'nin kullanim suresini uzatmak, farkli bolumler arasindaki iliskileri arttirmak ve Fakulteyi diger universite ogrencilerine ve disaridan katilacak ilgililere acmak dusunceleri ile duzenlenmektedir. Taskisla'da ortam yaratma amaciyla calisan ve ilgili herkese acik olan grupta cekirdek organizasyon grubu seminer, atolye ve kisa veya uzun donem etkinliklerinin duzenlenmesinde kolaylastirici olarak gorev almaktadir.
sleep[less] taskisla
is a group based at ITU Faculty of Architecture organizing events since November 2003 and aims to extend the usage time of the Building, to enable knowledge transfer within five different departments of the Faculty and with students from different universities and the community. Group aims to open a medium for students and for those who are interested to organize events. Core organizing group formed by volunteered people, who act as facilitators for inviting people from varying fields for seminars, workshops, and short and long term happenings. Group structure is open for contribution and events are open to everyone who is interested.
ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi Taskisla'da bulunan grup Kasim 2003'ten bu yana cesitli etkinlikler duzenlemektedir. Etkinlikler Taskisla'nin kullanim suresini uzatmak, farkli bolumler arasindaki iliskileri arttirmak ve Fakulteyi diger universite ogrencilerine ve disaridan katilacak ilgililere acmak dusunceleri ile duzenlenmektedir. Taskisla'da ortam yaratma amaciyla calisan ve ilgili herkese acik olan grupta cekirdek organizasyon grubu seminer, atolye ve kisa veya uzun donem etkinliklerinin duzenlenmesinde kolaylastirici olarak gorev almaktadir.
sleep[less] taskisla
is a group based at ITU Faculty of Architecture organizing events since November 2003 and aims to extend the usage time of the Building, to enable knowledge transfer within five different departments of the Faculty and with students from different universities and the community. Group aims to open a medium for students and for those who are interested to organize events. Core organizing group formed by volunteered people, who act as facilitators for inviting people from varying fields for seminars, workshops, and short and long term happenings. Group structure is open for contribution and events are open to everyone who is interested.
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